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* 개인보안을 위해 20분 후에 자동로그 아웃 되오니 작성량이 많을 경우 워드, 메모에 작성후 붙여넣기 하세요.
※ 수업 관련 요청 및 건의사항은 1:1 학습 문의게시판을 이용 해 주시고, 수업과 관련이 없는 글은 관리자에 의해 임의 삭제됨을 알려드립니다.
글제목  전화영어 9개월 수강후기!
글쓴이  김** 작성일  2024-09-03

I have been taking a Mentorphone telephone English course for nine months now, and I am genuinely impressed with how much my speaking skills have improved in such a short period. At first, I was a bit nervous about speaking to a native English speaker over the phone, but the teachers are so friendly and patient that they immediately put me at ease.


Another great thing about the course is the immediate feedback. During each lesson, the teacher corrects my mistakes in real time and provides helpful suggestions on how to express myself more naturally. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my pronunciation and fluency, and I feel much more confident speaking English in everyday situations.

Overall, this telephone English course has been a fantastic experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their speaking skills. It’s convenient, personalized, and, most importantly, effective! 

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