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글제목  Question
글쓴이  박수경 작성일  2015-09-11
처리상태  처리완료

In general, the present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech ; am --> was are --> were do/does --> did will --> would are --> were have/has --> had can --> could want/like/know --> wanted/liked/knew I am going to learn to drive --> She said that she was going to learn to drive. Hi, Rachel My question today was as follows ; Event ; I talked to you Today(Sep 11). You said "I will go to the party this saturday" Now I have to write in reported speech. Which is the correct ??? 1. She said she will go to the party this saturday. 2. She said she would go to the party the following saturday. 3. She said she would go to the party this saturday. ---> this is obvousely wrong.


Dear Kelly,


In the example of reported speech which you gave, it would be correct to say "She said she would go this Saturday."

Also, She said she would go on Saturday.

If the person intends to go on the nearest Saturday to today, say "this Saturday."


If they intend to go on the Saturday following this one, use next.


If you are describing plans that are further off in the future, you would use "the following."  For example, She will go to church on Easter Sunday. She will go to work the following Monday.


I hope this answers your question.

이전 14/10/2015
다음 Email to my former professor.

Dear Kelly,

I hope this answers your question.